A woman named Mary Horomanski from Erie, Pennsylvania, received a whopping $284 billion electricity bill.

She pulled her bill up online, and was blown away when she read all the 0’s, in the amount due.

“It wasn’t due until November of 2018,” she said. “It was like, well, I guess we have a year to come up with this billion-dollar bill.”

Horomanski began questioning if it was because of her Christmas lights that she put up, but then quickly realized that would not rack up a bill that high.

Horomanski’s  son immediately contacted the electric company, who reassured him it was an error on their part, and the bill is only in fact $284.


Source = https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/business/wp/2017/12/26/woman-gets-284-billion-electric-bill-wonders-whether-its-her-christmas-lights/?hpid=hp_no-name_hp-in-the-news%3Apage%2Fin-the-news&utm_term=.fc51e75ecd16