106.7 ROCK is proud to support Hockey Gives Blood Drive, a WHL Blood Battle between the Lethbridge Hurricanes and the Red Deer Rebels. Playing on the fierce WHL rivalry between teams, it’s a friendly competition to see which team can bring in the most blood donations in the month of January.

Regular Donors New Donors Total
Lethbridge Hurricanes 104 28 132
Red Deer Rebels 94 21 115



We still have 341 open appointments at the Lethbridge Donor Centre that need to be filled to keep up with patient demand. Days of specific concern are Wednesday January 23 which has 46 open appointments and Thursday January 24 which has 42 open appointments.


How you can help:

To book your appointment, visit blood.ca or download the GiveLife App. The Lethbridge Donor Centre is located at Melcor Centre, 220 200 4 Avenue South. Open Tuesday through Thursday from 12:30 pm to 6:30 pm and Friday/Saturday 10:30 am to 2:30pm. Free parking is available to all donors.


If one person’s blood donation can save a life, imagine how many lives can be touched if your entire organization made the commitment to donate blood as a team. Partners for Life gives teams within Canadian companies, government agencies, community groups, schools, service clubs, faith organizations and more the opportunity to Give Life by donating blood. For more information visit blood.ca.

Your organization can help by booking a group donation or by raising awareness about the need for blood. For more information contact Belinda at 403-320-9611 Ext 4